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The For Sale Sign

March 28, 2013


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This is a for sale sign in Spanish… the translation is: For sale, this property. We see a lot of these kinds of signs. It’s really not uncommon at all.  However, one place I didn’t expect to see one was here:

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Yes, that’s right… OUR front yard!  As many of you know, we are renting this house and will be (at lease we thought we would be) until the end of June.  Tuesday we were gone almost all day, doing our monthly grocery shopping in the capital, San Jose, and when we came home, we found this sign.  In reality, it is unlikely that the property will sell by June, but there is still the possibility that we could be kicked out of the house before the end of our agreement.  So, prayers are appreciated!! 

Just another day in Costa Rica…   

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